My Frugal List: Week of March 4, 2019

Our big news of the week is we decided where youngest daughter will be going to college. She is going near her sister in Maryland. I will miss her so much but I know OD and her BF will watch out for her. We put a deposit down for school and her dorm. She accepted all of the scholarship money they offered and we will be cash flowing the rest. We are not planning on taking out student loans. YD currently works part time and is putting most of her paychecks towards school. She has worked very hard and received a very generous scholarship. She is still working on local scholarships. We will find out in June whether she will get any. 

I did really well this week food shopping. Sausage was on sale for $1.99 and I had a personal discount making it 99¢ a pound. I was allowed 2 family packs. I got one hot and one sweet. I broke them up into smaller sizes for the freezer. Each pack was under $3. I was very happy with that. 

ST Patrick's Day always brings out good sales on cabbage. I was allowed 5 pounds at 17¢ a pound with a coupon. I will be making coleslaw with it. Another store has it on sale for 19¢ a pound so I am hoping to get there this week for that. 

Vitamins were on sale BOGO at CVS. I always stock up when they are BOGO. I got the large bottles because they were $25.49 each. I had a $4 off coupon from CVS for $25 vitamin purchase. I also had two $2 off Nature Bounty coupons. I paid $17.49 for the 2 bottles. They will last me over a year. 

Chickens were marked down to 99¢ a pound. I got 2. 

My parents came over for the day. They live out of state. They brought some cookies that my mom made. They gave Hubby and me a very generous anniversary check and my son his birthday presents. We also swapped coupons and other items. My youngest sister lives near my parents. She had gotten YD face masks marked down 90% off after Christmas. She sent them with my parents. YD was thrilled.

Hubby made a pot of his sauce with sausage and a salad. The bread was from my son's job of course. I made a batch of dairy free cookies for hubby and a batch of GF cookies for YD. We had some snacks when they came. 

I have been working on Swagbucks almost everyday. I have hit my goals 5 days last week. 

Oreo went back to the vet for a recheck. Her UTI is finally gone and her leg is doing much better. Her and I have being going on lots of walks. We can both use it. 

YD and I volunteered at a church event. We had a great time and got to go for free . We came home with lots of leftover food, beer and Iced tea. 

Hubby and I are still working on the basement. Hubby added some brackets to the ceiling to store piping and wood up there. We also rearranged his work benches to make more room. It is looking really good down there. 

We did our usual stuff: we ate LOTS of leftovers, washed bags, hung laundry, only ran full loads of laundry and dishes, unplugged items when not in use, paid bills on time online, used coupons while shopping sales, did Ibotta and made due with what we already have. 

What did you do this week to be frugal? 


  1. Sounds like you had a great week and got in on some very good deals. The sausage and cabbage were especially good deals. Congratulations to your yd for picking out her college. :)

  2. Mcoia you did really well picking up all of those wonderful specials and good on your daughter for getting a scholarship to her college too it sounds like she worked hard to get there and it is wonderful she is working too and saving the money for school. What a wonderful thing your parents did for you :).

    Our savings added up to $213.79 last week :).

    Blessings -
    - A few different friends gave us a watermelon, honey due melon, flake, nectarines and 2 dozen eggs.
    - Our neighbour who doesn't use her grey water said we could use her's to water our paddock fruit and mulberry trees with. We connected our spare grey water hose to it to reach the trees.

    In the kitchen -
    - Made all meals from scratch.
    - Made 3 loaves of bread in the bread making machine saving $10.47 on buying it at local small country town prices.

    Finances and eBay listings -

    - Listed 67 items on eBay on a free listing promotion saving $110.55 on usual listing fees.
    - DH and I had a few catch up meetings on our finances to better fine tune things and keep each other abreast of what is going on.

    Purchases -
    - On special from 2 country supermarkets we purchased on special a 1kg bega cheese, 1.07kg of champagne leg ham, 4 x 500g butter blend, 6 burrito kits, 2 x samboy chips & 2 x french fries, 2 x clix biscuits & 6 kg of beef sausages and 2 x 1kg of yoghurt saving $51.54 over buying them in our larger supermarket in town.
    - Bought a pair of heavy duty side cutters for $9.50 on eBay saving $40.45 over buying them in our local hardware store.
    - Purchased 2 rolls of thread tape and a sprinkler connection from the irrigation store saving $3.78 over purchasing them at the hardware store.

    In the gardens -
    - Did more work on the grapeyard vineyard enclosure we are taking down due to termite damage in the upright posts and whipper snipped and removed the remaining tie wire.

    Water Preservation -
    - Used grey water from our washing machine and grey water pumped from both our's and the neighbour's grey water tank to water paddock fruit trees, ornamental potted flowers and household lawns.
    - Used dish rinsing and shower warm up water to water potted fruit trees and herbs.

    Have a great week ahead everyone :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. You got so much done. Has it cooled down by you from that horrible heat last month? By all you have gotten done, it sounds like it. It sounds like your new house is really becoming a home. I am very impressed with 67 items listed. I would be happy with that many for the month. I hope you get lots of items sold.

    2. Hi Mcoia and thank you for your encouragement :).

      The heat here is hanging on with a vengeance and we have been having 36 - 37 oc for all of this week. To cope with the heat we race out at 7 am in the morning and do what we have to do in the yard and 9.30 am in the morning before the extreme heat hits. Sometimes if it is cooler near sunset we will do a bit more in the yard.

      We have severe bushfire warnings here at the moment as well as everything is so dry due to the drought.

      I managed to list the lace curtains we have now replaced in my Ebay internet shop along with my handcrafted items. Still a couple more unneeded household items we will list when I get time.

      Have a great week ahead and we do have rain predicted for later in the week and we hope it buckets down and refills our rain water tanks. Having 3 large rainwater tanks running the home we are not short on water but I like to see it filled up regularly so I don't worry so much about water.

      Sewingcreations15 (Lorna)

    3. I hope you get the predicted rain and are able to fill your tanks. Stay cool.

  3. Congratulations to your daughter! It sounds like you got a lot of frugal things done this week, too!

    BTW, I finally got the pizza crust recipe you thought you'd like to try up on my blog! Enjoy;). Sorry it took so long. It has been a wild couple of weeks!!

    1. Thanks for posting it. It was no rush. Life happens and we get busy.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter.
    Great shopping and savings as usual.


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