Old Westbury Gardens Part 2

So I showed you some of the gardens last week. He are some more. 

Does anyone know what these yellow flowers are called? I have never seen them before but I love them. 

All of the tulips were in bloom. 

They were everywhere.

They had so many different colors.

I also loved all of the stone walls that divided the different gardens.

Some of the trees were in bloom too and they were gorgeous. 

Purple is my favorite color so I spotted these beauties from far away.

Anybody know what these curly things are? They had tons of them. I assume they weren't fully bloomed yet.  I don't know my flowers the way I know my vegetable plants. 

It really was a beautiful palace. I would say about half of the flowers were in bloom. Online reviews talked about all of the rose gardens so I hope to get back to see them soon. 


  1. The curled up up plants look like fiddle head ferns.

    1. I looked them up and that might be them. Thanks. They were very unique.

  2. Beautiful. The yellow flowers look like some type of lilly perhaps. Very pretty.

    1. I will see if I can find them. I was looking up types of bells.

  3. I have no idea what the yellow flowers are but they are lovely. The curled plants do look like fern fronds.

  4. I think I found your yellow flowers: Fritillaria Lutea Maxima https://blog.longfield-gardens.com/fritillaria-imperialis-time-to-plant-pineapple-lilies/

    1. You are the best. I knew someone would know. Aren't they pretty?

  5. The yellow flowers are frittillaria family.


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