Adding to my Pantry

I went to a different Stop & Shop since I was at the dentist's office. When I went to the meat department, the meat manager was marking chicken cutlets down. The next day was their sell by date. They were $1.29 a pound. I cannot tell you the last time I saw chicken cutlets at that price. So I grabbed 4 packs. They are the family packs so each pack was about 4-5 pounds. When I went home I cut them up and divided them into meal size baggies. Next was the clearance racks. 

Lots of goodies. The hot rolls were marked down to 59¢ each. The hot sauces were 57¢ each. The nuts were $1.49. The yogurt was free. The onion had a 25¢ rebate from Ibotta. The strawberries were on sale for $1.99 with a 25¢ rebate from Ibotta. The eggs were marked down to $1.49 and only 1 was cracked. The bag of apples were $1.35. 

And then there was clearance chocolate. My favorite! They had Green & Blacks which Hubby can eat. It has no dairy in it. They are normally $4-5 dollars and they were marked down to $1.99. I bought all 3 that they had. Future father's day presents. They also had berry chocolate bars marked down to 54¢ each. I bought all 9 that they had. I can use them to make interesting s'mores.

Total at Stop & Shop was $47.77

It is very helpful to have kids that can drive. I had to work and so did Hubby. My son was off and saw we were low on milk. He asked me if I wanted him to get some. So he got 2 gallons of milk and 2 containers of soy milk from BJs. We should be good all week. I gave him $10.

We wanted fresh fruit and veggies so I went to Meat Farms to see what was on the mark down racks. There were a ton of potatoes. They cost $1.49 each. One was 10 pounds the other was 11 pounds. I weighed 8 different bags to see which ones were the heaviest. The strawberries were on sale for $1.50 each, corn was 4 for $2, lettuce was 88¢ each and grapes were 99¢ a pound.  

 Total at Meat Farms was $12.27.

There was a trip to Aldi. It is firepit season at our house .YD and I will do one every few nights. That requires s'mores supplies. I have plenty of chocolate so I just needed marshmallows and graham crackers. I got a 12 pack of toilet paper because we just opened our last one. I have not found any great sales so I got it from Aldis because it is the cheapest base price. 

Total at Aldi was $29.55

My son brought home some bread and pastries from work. We are always happy to take free food and to reduce food waste. 

2 more baggies of kale went into the freezer. It is starting to go to seed so I think it is pretty much done until the fall. I have plenty of it in the freezer for YD smoothies for a while. 

Total for groceries this week was $99.59. I added lots of chicken breasts and chocolate to my pantry this week with a few other extras. What did you add to your pantry this week?


  1. You did so well and always good when you can get meat for a low price as here anyway it is one of the most expensive items in our shopping list here in Australia. Needless to say who doesn't like chocolate, and you were fortunate you got the dairy free one your husband likes at such a good price. Anything that is a specialty that caters for certain dietary requirements such as dairy or gluten free usually cost a fortune.

    Our local supermarket had E Vouchers on special on eBay where you can buy a $350 voucher for $300 and we purchased 2 today. This will effectively give us $100 worth of free groceries :) and they deliver it free to our door . Got to love going shopping and not leaving home to do it.

    I am planning to use 1 for our normal 2 monthly groceries and the other one we will be used for increasing our food storage as we are working up to having 12 months supply of everything. Planning of course to match the vouchers with any weekly specials I can find which of course will save us more again which I will let you know about later.


    1. That is great that you are able to get those vouches. Sometimes near the holidays our stores do that and I buy some. They didn't do it last year so I don't know if they will do it this year. I'm sure you will turn that free $100 into way more with the way you shop.


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